007 Scouting in ambitious amateur football

How does the scouting process of an amateur club differ from that of a professional club? Jonathan Schmidt, scout of Freiham football talents, talks about scouting in ambitious youth football. He talks about the special features of scouting in amateur clubs, the evaluation of talent and the differences to scouting in youth performance centres. Jonathan gives valuable tips for aspiring scouts, explains the scouting process and predicts how he believes technologies such as AI and video analysis will influence the future of scouting. Find out how ambitious clubs find, convince and promote talent and which trends will shape scouting in the coming years.

Our topics:

  • Jonathan's career
  • Tips for new scouts
  • Finding, assessing and evaluating talent
  • Needs analysis
  • Scouting plan
  • Scouting process
  • Arguments in favour of signing players
  • Differences to scouting in the NLZ
