New evaluation methods for coaches

How technology can be used to assess the quality of work regardless of the result

Thiago Calderaro

Thiago Calderaro

New evaluation methods for coaches

The work of coaches is traditionally measured by visible results: victories and titles. But what if there were tools that could provide a more nuanced picture of a coach's performance? Lucas Heinemann, an experienced youth coach who has applied his expertise at FC Bayern and in the DFB's "Project Future", discusses in the first episode of the CoachingArea Podcast innovative methods for evaluating coaches that go far beyond traditional result-oriented approaches.

The Reforms in Youth Football and Their Impact on Coach Evaluation

Recent reforms in the junior Bundesligas aim to alleviate the pressure of results and instead focus on the development of talent. As Heinemann explains in the podcast, there will no longer be relegations in the higher youth categories, such as U17 and U19. This approach allows coaches to work in a less results-driven manner and place more emphasis on the individual development of talent. For instance, Bayer Leverkusen can now give more playing time to the next Florian Wirtz, even if they are lower down in the league table.

Tools for Amateur Sport: Democratising Technology

Heinemann highlights the growing importance of AI and video analysis in coach evaluation. These technologies enable an objective analysis of training effectiveness and tactical play that goes beyond mere match outcomes. Specific parameters, such as possession, transition moments, or the occupancy of certain zones on the pitch, can be tracked and evaluated. Thus, coaches can be assessed not only based on results but also on their ability to implement specific playing philosophies. Heinemann envisions these advanced analytical tools also being applied in amateur sports. He sketches a scenario where club officials can set the club's playing philosophy using a selection of multiple parameters. These could include aspects such as pressing after losing the ball or the effectiveness of build-up play. With data collection tools (tracking with chips or via video), the performance of a team and thus the coach can be evaluated.

Future Developments and the Way Forward

The integration of AI and video analysis in coach evaluation is just the beginning of a comprehensive transformation in football. The increasing availability and acceptance of these technologies could lead to a fundamental change in how coaching performance is assessed and improved. This process will not only enhance the quality of training at all levels but also enable a fairer and more objective evaluation of coaching work.

The CoachingArea Podcast thus offers not only profound insights into current developments in the coaching field but also stimulates an important discussion about the future of football training.

If you're interested in this topic, feel free to listen to the first episode:

001 Project future - club group start-up, DFB reforms & new assessment methods for coaches

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