A Look at the Function of the Technical Zone

A Look at the Function of the Technical Zone

A Look at the Function of the Technical Zone

Thiago Calderaro, Founder and CEO of CoachingArea, with curly hair and wearing a black shirt, gazing thoughtfully towards the horizon with a calm ocean in the background. He is the author of this article.
Thiago Calderaro, Founder and CEO of CoachingArea, with curly hair and wearing a black shirt, gazing thoughtfully towards the horizon with a calm ocean in the background. He is the author of this article.

Thiago Calderaro

In this image, a coach is seen giving tactical instructions in the coaching zone, surrounded by young football players sitting on a bench. This represents the important role of the coaching zone, where communication between coach and players takes place, and emphasises the importance of the technical zone in modern football.
In this image, a coach is seen giving tactical instructions in the coaching zone, surrounded by young football players sitting on a bench. This represents the important role of the coaching zone, where communication between coach and players takes place, and emphasises the importance of the technical zone in modern football.
In this image, a coach is seen giving tactical instructions in the coaching zone, surrounded by young football players sitting on a bench. This represents the important role of the coaching zone, where communication between coach and players takes place, and emphasises the importance of the technical zone in modern football.

The Coaching Zone, often known as the technical area in football, plays a central role in the organisation and strategy of the game. This specially designated area outside the playing field serves as the area where coaches, support staff, and substitutes may operate during a game. Its function and associated rules are essential components of modern football, governing the interaction between players on the field and the technical team on the sidelines.

The Design of the Coaching Zone

The technical area is usually rectangular and is clearly demarcated from the rest of the sidelines by white lines. Its size and position can vary depending on the football pitch, but the following characteristics are common:

  • The zone begins at the substitutes' bench, where the substitutes sit, and extends to at least one meter behind the touchline.

  • On both sides of the substitutes' bench, the Coaching Zone extends at least one meter beyond the width of the bench.

  • In situations where space between the pitch boundary and the touchline is limited, the zone ends directly at the touchline. In this case, only the lateral boundary lines are marked.

  • The marking of the technical area is achieved either through lines on the ground or through visual aids such as cones or markers.

Regulations within the Coaching Zone

The rules surrounding the Coaching Zone clearly define how many people are allowed to be in the area and who is authorised to give tactical instructions. It is important to note:

  • Only a selected person, usually the coach, is entitled to give tactical instructions. After instructions have been given, this person must return to their place. Despite this rule, it is a common sight for coaches to operate from the Coaching Zone throughout the entire game, reflecting the intensity and pressure of the match.

  • In certain exceptional situations, it is permitted for coaches and support staff to leave the Coaching Zone.

Since its introduction into the FIFA rules in 1993, the Coaching Zone has become an indispensable part of football. It serves not only to clearly separate the playing and technical areas but also enables effective communication and strategy development on the sidelines. Through these clearly defined rules and the specially assigned space, the Coaching Zone promotes a structured and fair environment for the game.


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